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Global Friends Club: Conservation Education and Activity for the Next Generation

Danny Kahekwa

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

If there is interdependence between fauna and flora, what future do the DRC’s protected areas have? Hunting is often considered illegal activity in some villages bordering the conservation areas. In the low altitude area of the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, precisely in Kalonge, bushmeat is the only one to provide this population animal protein and it is also a lucrative activity. The practice of participatory conservation is conceivable but far from being achieved.

What wickedness with respect to nature, knowing that man is part of this same nature, how they can begin to cut off their own branch that supports them? Despite the threats of climate change, agriculture and logging persist in the DRC’s conservation areas. Do we think that those who burn the forest or cut the trees do their restoration afterwards?

We who still have this consciousness, how do we face these kinds of situations?

Following the explanation and information of the Pole Pole Foundation, the new generation of communities bordering the KBNP, is interested in nature conservation and refuses to follow the footsteps of their predecessors who were therefore blamed for the destruction of fauna and flora of this protected area.

The Global Friends Club at a guided tour in the village of Miti about 7 km from the KBNP. Through this visit the Club understood the mischief of hunting and consumption of bushmeat as well as the importance of breeding domestic animals. At the end of the visit, each child and member of the Club was convinced of the need to raise their own livestock, banishing the destruction of the KBNP through hunting.

We are right to do that. Young girls and boys all behind the conservation of nature. Our goal is to eradicate all illegal activities that the previous generation did in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park and fully introduce participatory conservation. We all know it’s not an easy task but together we can. Yes, we can!


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